Painting Prices
The way a job is priced remains the same across the board. We are very competitive price wise in the industry and we are able to provide affordable painting prices for your needs.
1One of our managers would arrange a time convenient to you to inspect the home or area that requires painting. There are various factors that are taken into account when providing a no obligation, free quotation for painting prices including: condition of the surface, intricate detailing, sanding & preparation of the area to name a few.
2After a short time measuring up and inspecting, the manager would then be able to provide you with a price for the particular job.
3The free quote includes preparation work, labour, your choice of premium materials and Stretch Paints covers all home owners with a home owner’s insurance. Once the price is agreed upon you won’t have to do anything, we take care of it all.
4We even do minor repairs in some cases as some of our painters are dual qualified builders, you can speak with one of our friendly team for more information about repairs.